After going to Las Terrenas once we decided we wanted to get married there. After we met Sylvie we knew we wanted her to plan our wedding and that she had the energy, attention to detail and taste to plan a wedding that was perfect for us and all of our guests. Planning a wedding long distance seemed like it would be difficult but Sylvie really made everything a breeze. From finding our hotel (the incredible Casa
Coson) to arranging transportation and excursions for our guests while we were there, not to mention all the actual wedding planning (perfect decorations, flowers, etc.) Sylvie really handled everything in a seemingly effortless way. We really can’t say anything but great things.
All of our guests were blown away. We could have never done it without Sylvie.
Sylvie is the best wedding planner anywhere. She helped us create an unbelievable experience we will remember forever.
Thank you Sylvie!

Molly & David Newton April 2, 2016